Grandparents’ Rights in Massachusetts
Grandparents’ Rights in Massachusetts
Advocating for Grandparents in Family Matters in Massachusetts
Advocating for Grandparents in Massachusetts
Grandparents often fulfill special and important roles in their grandchild(ren)’s lives, but these relationships can become threatened in the event of a divorce or death of one or both parents. Suddenly, relationships that once were considered everlasting can be interrupted or even terminated with little or no warning.
At Newburyport Family Law, we understand that this can be a confusing and scary time. We can provide you with the information and tools necessary to ensure that you are well-informed about your rights which, in turn, can lessen the anxiety that often accompanies these difficult situations.
In Massachusetts, under certain circumstances, grandparents who find themselves in this unfortunate situation have the legal right to file a petition for grandparent visitation through the Probate and Family Court. However, this right is not automatic, and the law surrounding when grandparents can visit grandchildren against their parents’ wishes has become increasingly complex over the years.
We can help you analyze your chances of success in the event that you decide to pursue visitation with your grandchild(ren) and assist you in preparing and filing a Petition for Grandparent Visitation, along with supporting Affidavits and other critical documents.
In fact, your chances of prevailing on a Petition for Grandparent Visitation in Massachusetts often hinge on whether the documents filed at the inception of the case contain the requisite information and have been properly and carefully prepared. Once that step has been taken, we will work closely with you to gather the evidence you need to maximize your chances of continuing a lifelong relationship with your grandchild(ren).
At Newburyport Family Law, we understand that this can be a confusing and scary time. We can provide you with the information and tools necessary to ensure that you are well-informed about your rights which, in turn, can lessen the anxiety that often accompanies these difficult situations.
Additional Massachusetts Family Law Services
Caregivers and Guardianships
Child Custody
Child Support
Supporting You Through This Process
Our Massachusetts family law practice can help you navigate divorce, mediation or collaborative law solutions, finding a resolution that works for you and your family.
Schedule your 30-minute consultation!
Supporting You Through This Process
Our Massachusetts family law practice can help you navigate divorce, mediation or collaborative law solutions, finding a resolution that works for you and your family.
Schedule your 30-minute consultation!
Supporting You Through This Process
Supporting You Through This Process
Schedule your 30-minute consultation.

Newburyport Family Law & Divorce Mediation offers a compassionate approach to resolving legal issues, focusing on mediation as the most efficient and cost-effective solution.
Brown’s Wharf
40R Merrimac Street, Suite 202W
Newburyport, MA 01950
(978) 462-1400
© 2024 – Newburyport Family Law and Divorce Mediation